DSI zygomatic drills are coated which gives them a great advantage over the regular drills. The vibration levels are significantly reduced compared to any standard drill. They work smoothly, with minimal heat generation. Less temperature increases the drill's lifespan and lowers bone heating, and as the result- no bone necrosis peril occurs. All of that gives better stability for an implant and a lesser risk for abruption and a better healing process for the patient.
DSI Zigomatic kit includes a round bur for an initial socket preparation instead of a common pilot drill. Additionally, the kit includes diamond burs for groove preparation. They are used right after the initial socket is complete. These burs work as degranulation burs and are designed for the removal of elements such as soft tissue, debris, and bone fragments that could potentially impair the healing process. But this is not the only advantage they have. They are also built in a special way that allows them to perform micro-grooves inside the socket. It drastically improves osseointegration, increases implant stability, and allows a safer and faster healing process to take place.
The kit also includes a diamond reamer for sinus lateral procedure which comes in handy for an immediate loading and bone grafting initiation if needed. DSI Zigomatic kit was essentially developed to fit with a 1.4M multi-unit. The 1.4M multi-unit system is the ultimate solution for a zygomatic implant and allows more angulation options than any other multi-unit system. This is a great advantage, especially for zygomatic implants considering the rare angles it is used to complete the restoration.