Auto-stitching technology
The wide high denition images can be enhanced by auto-stitching technology
Exposure Programs
- Suni Q3D supports multiple exposure programs, covering all of your diagnostic needs
- Standard panoramic
- Orthogonal panoramic
- Sinus PA / Sinus lateral midsagittal
- X-ray segment
- Super Bitewings
- TMJ lateral double
Exposure Programs
- Q3D Ceph supports various exposure programs to fulll all diagnostic needs
- Lateral
- AP
- Water’s view
- Submento vertex
- Carpus
Clearly dened 3D images and feature-rich tools that provide accurate diagnostic information for comprehensive treatment planning
3D Volume Rendering
Various volume rendering options such as Gray, X-ray, MIP to provide 3D image visualization
MPR (Multi-Planar Formatting)
MPR mode provides three plain views (axial, coronal and sagittal) on one screen
Dental Reformatting
Using panoramic, cross-sectional, and longitudinal 2D view, you can plan your ‘perfect’ implant positioning
Curved MPR
Reconstruct sectional images from Panoramic, Cross-sectional, Longitudinal
Image Color-mapping
Color mapping increases the visibility of lesions
Viewer Software - Export to CD/DVD
Dental Crop
Function generates FMX images from a panoramic image
Measuring tools
Multiple ease of use tools including distance, angle and positioning
Implant planning
Feature-rich tools provide easy to use diagnostic functionality including - nerve canal mapping, measurements, bone density determination for implant planning Implant planning Support for DICOM 3.0 and compatibility
STL Export
Convert and export DICOM volume data in STL format for usage in 3D printers and models - intraoral scanners